space ship

Day 19 Bonus: LL-711 Bomber

Another bonus from Nnenn, the LL-711 Bomber displays some fantastic angles and impressive guns.

LL-711 Bomber

A little more of the Ugokin threat is also revealed.

Ugokin Interceptor and LL-711 Bomber

Day 16: LL-700 Cosmic Explorer

Although some criticise the Classic Space Federation for being too militaristic, its leaders insist its primary goals are peaceful co-operation and exploration. At the forefront of exploration missions is Chris Giddins' LL-700 Cosmic Explorer.

LL-700 Box Art

The LL-700 Cosmic Explorer is a long range exploration vessel carrying science teams, equipment and supplies to the outermost rim of space exploration.  Equipped with 2 heavy Quantumcore Drives, the 700CE is fast and nimble for it's size.  Even though it is designed as a science vessel, the CE can be used for cargo runs, military resupply, and troop deployment.  The LL-702 Lunar Defender was specifically designed to be transported in the 700CE-s cargo bay standard.

Cosmic Explorer

Day 14 Bonus: LL-702 Lunar Defender

Chris Giddins has built a lovely little box fighter. Inspired by Sir Bugge and Mark Sandlin, it folds up neatly for easy storage.

LL-702 Lunar Defender


I love the way in flight mode it's almost impossible the ship came from a box. 

Folded LL-702


Day 14: LL-560 "Seraph" Heavy Interceptor

Today we continue our adventure in Classic Space  with one of the Federations's finest fighters, the LL-560 Seraph by Peter L Morris.

LL-560 Sereph

The Seraph is a heavy fighter built for fleet defense and attack operations. It features two heavy plasma cannons and two short range photon rifles. The cockpit is well armored, though visibilty is poor. Many pilots initially complain about the tunnel-vision effect, but they quickly fall in love with the overwhelming firepower and superb maneuverability.

A sereph landed

Few Seraphs are in service, however, due to their extreme cost and high maintenance requirements.

LL-560 Behind

Day 12 Bonus: Little and Large Interceptors

Thomas Öchsner has found an unusual and interesting shape for his interceptors.

LL-912 and LL-909

 Both are loaded with dangerous missiles and look ready for a fight.

Loading missiles.

Thomas has also come up with a very interesting design for his missile loader. The operater looks a bit nervous though!

Missile loader


Day 12: LL-101 Predator

Today we feel the need for speed with Jeremy Todd's LL-101 Predator.

LL-101 Box Art

When Deep-Space Marine Boon Conray disappeared while flying missions in the Cressida Nebulonic cloud, he was presumed dead. Boon returned after many years a changed man, scarred by deceit and greed. Conray brought with him, from the brink, a technology he wasn't prepared to share with just anyone... especially the Space Federation. Boon's new technology gave already swift ships an unearthly boost. Within a year of his return, every pirate from Galalagos to Mythephony had their very own “BoonBeam” drive. Even the fastest Federation ships were being left in the stardust.

LL-101 with steps

Day 10: LL-666 Terrorhawk

The federation has always maintained that its objectives are peaceful exploration and co-operation, but then the most heavily armed forces often do. If that's the case, one of the most peaceful ships is Carl Greatrix's LL-666 Terrorhawk. Of course the trail of wrecked ships it leaves in its wake are pretty peaceful too...

LL-666 in orbit

Neoclasspacishuzimo were comissioned to create a desperately awaited fleat of long range ground attack interceptor / bombers. The Neoclasspacishuzimo "Devil Hawk" being their most succesful result amongst other battle proven designs in their "Bird of Prey class". LL-666 is THE battle hardened ship, dominant in all theatres of war, even ones it was not designed for and wears its number of the beast with pride, many expected due to the normaly ill-fated number for it to fail miserably.

LL-666 Box Art

Day 9: LL-642 Planetary Courier

For the Classic Space Federation, some things are just too important to trust to the air waves. That's where Chad Smith's Planetary Courier comes in.

Planetary Courier

As even the most highly-encrypted data transmissions have some risk of being intercepted and decrypted, the Planetary Courier fills an important role.  The Planetary Courier is capable of storing high volumes of data and transporting them swiftly to their destination.  Its massive data storage capacity, high-speed thrusters and powerful laser cannons require four large heat-sinks, seen under the main rear thruster.

Planetary Courier from behind.

Chad says: The Planetary Courier is an homage to the 6842 Shuttle Craft released in 1981.  This was one of my favorite childhood sets, containing my first set of 4x8 space wings.  In this MOC I have attempted to duplicate the classic lines of that sturdy vessel, and also evoke the look and feel of NASA’s space shuttle.  The model is built on a central SNOT “spine” with studs oriented in five directions.

Day 7: LL-989 Starfighter 'Wildfire'

Pete Reid and Nnenn have colaborated to bring us the LL-989 'Wildfire' Starfighter...

An unusual prototype from Mars University, Wildfire is a nimble, one-man fighter with experimental drive-jamming technology. 

LL-989 Box Art

The guys have come up with an amazing design, with its four distinctive panels at the back. Are they soler sails, warp field generators or some other means of propulsion? Pete's cockpit is also an amazing piece of work, making use of a tran-yellow corner piece in a way its designers almost certainly never considered.

LL-989 getting a boost from an alien sun

Pete notes... I’ve always admired the beautiful shapes and lines Nnenn creates. A while ago I asked him for a sketch that I could try and build from, to try and learn from him. He sent me several designs, and I chose the one I liked the most. He also provided the registration number, which is a stroke of genius.

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