A small, fast, heavily armed starfighter, Peter L Morris's LL-562 looks very swooshable indeed.
Peter says: So, this is more along the lines of what was going through my mind when I was asked to do a MOC for NCS month. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I went with the Seraph, but it's not exactly swoosh friendly. It can be swooshed, but the wings get in the way and tend to bump into things. Plus it's a pain to just set somewhere, as something ends up getting bent out of whack. This is more my speed. Simple landing gear, relatively tough, and not too terrible to look at.
Today we continue our adventure in Classic Space with one of the Federations's finest fighters, the LL-560 Seraph by Peter L Morris.
The Seraph is a heavy fighter built for fleet defense and attack operations. It features two heavy plasma cannons and two short range photon rifles. The cockpit is well armored, though visibilty is poor. Many pilots initially complain about the tunnel-vision effect, but they quickly fall in love with the overwhelming firepower and superb maneuverability.
Few Seraphs are in service, however, due to their extreme cost and high maintenance requirements.