

Graham Dewhurst has been hitting Bricklink hard down under, and has made this awesome hangar...

Featuring some of his newer ships:

LL-554 Update

And some old friends:

Ol Skool Rlzs

I look forward to the next phase of this diorama. Great stuff Graham!

Thomas Öchsner Update

Thomas has been keeping the NCS flame alive, producing a series of great models since our last update.

LL1007-15 Sphere Walker - Box Art

The ground crew sphere walker is ready to roll.

LL1008-23 Omaron; Box Art

Thomas keeps the ball rolling with the Omaron - excellent use of spheres.

LL1012-12 Speeder; Box Art

This speeder is another fine looking piece of hardware.

LL1012-21 Beguna; Box Art

The Beguna is a wonderfully eye-catching model. Such bold shaping and strong design. Awesome work, Thomas!

Skunk Base N by Shannon Young

This beautiful diorama by Shannon Young fills me with the joys of Classic Space. Just looking at it makes me feel youthful and healthy again. 

Skunk Base N

You can appreciate the entire diorama in its full glory at MOCpages.

Nice one Shannon!

Farewell to a Fallen Comrade

NnennWe are saddened to learn today of the death of one of the true heroes of Neo Classic Space, Nnenn (Nate Nielson). Nate died after a road accident earlier this month and leaves a beloved wife and two young sons behind. Our deepest sympathy goes to them at this most difficult time.


Nnenn was a truly inspirational builder, who had a great love of spaceships of all shapes and sizes. I doubt there's a spaceship theme he hasn't tried his hand at. Famously he pionered "Nnenn-scale", which features figures made mostly from 1x1 bricks and round plates, as well as building huge fleets of nanoscale dreadnauts. He also perfected the Vic Viper, producing dozens (or possibly hundreds) of variations.


Nnenn was a pioner of Neo Classic Space, producing several early models, but even his early contributions refused to conform to expected norms and everywhere he went he insisted on breaking new ground.


Onyasis Tower

As the Classic Space Federation moved further into the galaxy, it became increasingly that the simple moonbases that served so well during its early expansion would no longer be sufficient. Onyasis Tower, built on Ictar IV by that legendary federation designer, Peter Reid, was one of the prototypes for a new generation of federation base.

Onyasis Tower

The tower provided secure headquarters for federation staff and well protected landing pads for supply ships.

Landing pads

Reid also insisted on the early establishment of a transport and communications network connecting the tower to federation facilities, and this proved vital to the success of the Ictarian colony.

Blasting Off

While the peaceful people of Ictar welcomed the Federation, there were others who did not, and several times the tower proved crucial in defending the system from hostile invaders. The success of the design can be seen from the numerous copies that can now be found across Federation space.

Crew transfers aboard the Mayfly

The Classic Space Federation is not just about sleek fighter and exploration ships. Sometimes just getting crews where they need to be, and when it comes to shuttling personnel, one of the most reliable workhorses is the LL-445 "Mayfly" designed by the reveered Doctor Sinister.

LL-445 Box Art

The double wing design was chosen for aerodynamic advantages in atmospheric operations, and to hide the large fuel tanks.

LL-445 Side

Its design builds upon the LL-444 fighter, and it's no surprise that they look very similar.

LL-445 and LL-444

The LL-445, however, has much increased carrying capacity, allowing it to carry either a pilot and five passengers, or a significant amount of essential supplies.

LL-445 Crew

The Mayfly is popular among crews, especially after the incident on one of the Kroktal moons, which the crew attribute their survival to the sturdy design of the craft.

LL-445 Crew on Kroktal moon

Enter the Beast!

We don't usually report abandoned projects at Neo Classic Space, but sometimes you just have to make an exception. Take a look at porkshanks' Blue Beast. It would have been amazing if she'd finished it, but the interior details still make for some wonderful photography. Rather than dwell on what might have been, we'll just let you enjoy the pictures.

Blue Beast 01

Blue Beast 02

Blue Beast 03

Blue Beast 04

Blue Beast 05

Blue Beast 06

Neo Classic Santa

Pasukaru76 has brought the hopes of kids throughout the galaxy into the Neo Classic Space age, with this rather fun diorama. We particularly like the Christmas card themed background.

NCS Santa

Happy Christmas from everyone at the Neo Classic Space academy!

A Maelstrom in Micro

Tim Goddard has been kept busy building in microscale, building across lots of space themes, including some rather gorgeous Neo Classic Space models.


Tim has shown his mastery of the scale, crafting ships that contain more datail than many larger scaled vessels.

His Maelstrom is one of the finest microscale ships I've seen in any theme, and when I saw the thumbtail I really thought it had to be a larger scale.


Taking things to another level, Tim has created a fantastic diroama crossing several themes, but including a big chunk of classic space alongside Futuron, Space Police and Blacktron. Make sure you check out the gallery and have a look at the underground hanger containing a classic space monorail.

Space Diarama

Serrater goes All-Terain

Mark Kupietz has built a fitting tribute to one of the classics of Classic Space, 6927 All-Terrain Vehicle.

ATV II Front

Mark's ATV II has a lot to admire. The take-no-prisoners double wheels, the suspension and shock absorbers, the mean looking cab (with just a hint of 3vil) and the platform on the back carrying a mobile lab.


Apart from the classic set, Mark cites his inspiration as a NASA vehicle, and in true NASA style, the lab doubles as an ascent stage.

ATV II Lab Lifts Off

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