Although we see Neo Classic Space as promarily minifig scale, we've covered a number of microscale builds. Today we go the other way with Holger Matthes's Miniland scale Classic Space sets. He's recently completed his take on the set 894: Ground Tracking Station.
It's a really lovely bit of building, going far beyond the limitations of the original to make it a true Neo Classic Space model. I really like the angled steering column, and the support legs for the trailer. His take on the classic space logo is inspired.
Holger's other models include Miniland sized versions of the 885 Space Scooter and 924 Space transporter.
Today we continue our adventure in Classic Space with one of the Federations's finest fighters, the LL-560 Seraph by Peter L Morris.
The Seraph is a heavy fighter built for fleet defense and attack operations. It features two heavy plasma cannons and two short range photon rifles. The cockpit is well armored, though visibilty is poor. Many pilots initially complain about the tunnel-vision effect, but they quickly fall in love with the overwhelming firepower and superb maneuverability.
Few Seraphs are in service, however, due to their extreme cost and high maintenance requirements.
When you're on the ground facing the enemy, it's important to know you've got support. Nnenn's troop support sled really comes in handy...
The 654th Reserve survived because they had mobilized a TSS (old converted cargo platforms) for M2 recurrency training. But the captured drone confirmed that the Ugokin have a biological neuron network running symbiotically throughout a hardware frame.
However, when the going gets tough, it's nice to know that you can call in air support in the form of the LL-771 support gunship.
Thanks to the Fobulyin Treatise, the LL-771 benefits from both Jeeru-Kon levitation design and regenerative technology... giving it an almost unlimited supply of ammunition for its role in continuous close-ground support.
Thomas Öchsner has found an unusual and interesting shape for his interceptors.
Both are loaded with dangerous missiles and look ready for a fight.
Thomas has also come up with a very interesting design for his missile loader. The operater looks a bit nervous though!
Today we feel the need for speed with Jeremy Todd's LL-101 Predator.
When Deep-Space Marine Boon Conray disappeared while flying missions in the Cressida Nebulonic cloud, he was presumed dead. Boon returned after many years a changed man, scarred by deceit and greed. Conray brought with him, from the brink, a technology he wasn't prepared to share with just anyone... especially the Space Federation. Boon's new technology gave already swift ships an unearthly boost. Within a year of his return, every pirate from Galalagos to Mythephony had their very own “BoonBeam” drive. Even the fastest Federation ships were being left in the stardust.
Flickr user Yokomode has built some beautiful little microscale models.
The communications station looks like it must have an impressive range...
And the launch apparatus has such wonderful detailing.
Spacemen need to get about their bases, and for shorter journeysthe larger ships are just too cumbersome. That's where smaller skipmmers like Ian Greig's LL-892 come into their own.
The prototype for what became the LL-892 skimmer was originally developed in response to Staff Requirement SR-10317, which specified the need for a high performance aerial patrol vehicle codenamed 'Security Patrol/Light Aero - Next Generation' (SP/LA-NG) to replace the LL-885p, the patrol variant of the venerable Space Scooter. One of the main deficiencies of the Space Scooter was its limited range and its inability to operate in even the thinnest of atmospheres. SP/LA-NG was to incorporate a new mixed-mode engine that was able to operate equally well in either vacuum or thin atmosphere.
I promise I'll try not to post more than one bonus entry per day, but today I just couldn't decide which to pick, so here's a bonus bonus from that most prolific builder, Nnenn.
Federation xenopologists now understand that initial conflicts might have been avoided if military personal were never exposed to the subliminal indoctrination of assumed superiority during training. But the Ugokin are still unintelligible, so who knows...
Some things shouldn't go together, and until today I would have said Buck Rogers and Classic Space were two of those things. Then I saw Shannon Ocean's take on Buck's starship, and it fit's the classic space colour scheme so perfectly.
However I refuse to believe that any self respecting Classic Spaceman ever wore spandex!
The federation has always maintained that its objectives are peaceful exploration and co-operation, but then the most heavily armed forces often do. If that's the case, one of the most peaceful ships is Carl Greatrix's LL-666 Terrorhawk. Of course the trail of wrecked ships it leaves in its wake are pretty peaceful too...
Neoclasspacishuzimo were comissioned to create a desperately awaited fleat of long range ground attack interceptor / bombers. The Neoclasspacishuzimo "Devil Hawk" being their most succesful result amongst other battle proven designs in their "Bird of Prey class". LL-666 is THE battle hardened ship, dominant in all theatres of war, even ones it was not designed for and wears its number of the beast with pride, many expected due to the normaly ill-fated number for it to fail miserably.