I've known Pete for several years, and as well as being a highly talented builder, he's also a great guy to be around and a good friend.
Pete is renowned for the amazing detail he puts into his parts, and his inginuity for finding new ways of making parts connect to each other. His <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/38509565@N00/sets/72157603461159505/">many robot designs</a> make fantastic use of these techniques, and often have part counts that exceed much larger models, and really deserve a website dedicated to them (but that will have to wait).
Pete's interest in Classic Space was rekindled when he got hold of a trans-yellow Duplo windscreen that thought it would in interesting to incorporate into a spaceship. The <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/38509565@N00/sets/72157606905336088/">LL-137 Blue Canary</a> was the result, and numerous other <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/38509565@N00/sets/72157603399119228/">Neo Classic Space ships</a> followed it.
Pete is a very active member of the <a href="http://brickish.org">Brickish Association</a>, and has been instrumential in getting other members to take part in Neo Classic Space, and we have organised several large displays at Brickish Association events.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/38509565@N00/">Pete's gallery on Flickr</a>.