We're changing things around a little for the last day of our 30th anniversary celebration, posting a bonus first and making you wait for the main model of the day.
<a href="/builder/pete-reid">Pete Reid</a>'s <a href="/registry/ll-497">LL-497</a> has been around for a little while, and can't be considered for the month long celebration as it wasn't specially built. However, a little collaboration with <a href="/builder/stuart-crawshaw">Stuart Crawshaw</a> and <a href="/builder/james-shields">me</a> produced a rather beautiful piece of <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/38509565@N00/3400668423/">set box art</a>.
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<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/38509565@N00/3400668423/"><img src="/sites/neoclassicspace/files/u3/497-box-art-med.jpg" alt="497 Box Art" width="500" height="417" /></a>
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Stuart provided the landing pad, while the crater plate was mine. Pete added the rover and moonbase, as well as LL-497 that gives the set it's name. We wanted to get it as close as possible to the original <a href="http://www.brickset.com/detail/?Set=497-1">928 set box</a> image. Pete says he took about 300 photos to try to get it all to look right, but I think the results are well worth it. Thanks to <a href="/builder/ian-greig">Ian Greig</a> for fixing up my photo editing efforts.